I highly recommend CrossFit First Down. It is a great way to start the day. I joined CFFD in April 2016. I was looking to get in better shape and the only activity I was doing was jogging a few times a month as time permitted. I was a little nervous at first about joining as I was never much into lifting weights and being over 40 it looked like an activity for younger people. From the beginning, the coaches have been great scaling the exercises to my abilities and providing guidance on proper form to ensure my safety. Unlike most CrossFit gyms, CFFD is small which allows for smaller classes, lots of personal attention and a great sense of community. The other members are friendly and very encouraging. It a great place to workout, improve your health and have a little fun. After hearing me talk about the workouts, my wife ended up joining as well and we are now regulars at the 6AM and 5PM classes 5 days a week!
–Jonathan O.

You two have built a great, supportive community of serious competitors, first-time athletes, young and old, and I'm glad to be a part of it! As someone who struggled with overhead presses of the PVC pipe and often troll along at the bottom of the board when it comes to lifting, I've never felt intimidated or discouraged -- it's been quite the opposite -- and that's what keeps me coming back!
-Adam C.