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Complete Our
"Pre-Season" Course.


All first-time CrossFitters are asked to complete our introductory course, also known as "Pre-Season."  There are 4 classes during which we'll expose you to our warm ups, exercises and stretches.  We also use this time to assess how you move and note any limitations you may have.


There are two ways to complete this course:


1.) Group Pre-Season:  This class meets on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7pm-8pm, over 2 weeks.  This is the designated time for intros and open to anybody looking to get started.

Cost: $100


2.) Private Pre-Season:  Our 

1-on-1 option is great for athletes who have advanced orthopedic issues or simply prefer to start out with a personal trainer.  If you have a busy schedule and cannot attend any/all of the weekend classes, this is the right option for you.

Cost: $200

STEP 2.                   
Choose a Membership.


Once you've completed the Pre-Season course, the next step is to choose a membership that best fits your agenda.  You'll receive a welcome email that will include your WODIFY login information and some other important details. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the program before attending your first main class.

STEP 3.                   
Sign Up for Class.


We limit our classes to 12 athletes to provide the best coaching possible in an optimal learning environment. This is on a first come first serve basis so be sure to reserve a spot in your favorite class using your WODIFY account.

Experienced CrossFitters: 


If you're an experienced CrossFitter interested in our program, simply shoot us an email or stop by and we'll get you started. 

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